Worship Is About Surrender

There are so many aspects of worship that we don’t always think about. Like, surrender, for example.

“As we learn to surrender
the little things, we are
preparing ourselves
to be better able to
surrender the bigger things.”
T.R.U.S.T. Devotional (page 11)

When thinking about her approach to the new year, Charlene wrote, “My 2020 resolution is to worship God more and my worship will not depend on my circumstances.”

Wow! What a powerful decision to make. Because, we don’t just need to worship God when we’re in church, or when things are going well. We should love and trust Him so much that we, too, make the commitment that we are going to worship Him all the time. Because, God is good all the time.

No matter what your current situation may be, He is able to change it in a moment. He can make a way where there seems to be no way. Through your worship and act of surrendering your life to Him, He can nourish and strengthen your weary and parched soul.

“Behold, I am doing a new thing;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert.”
Isaiah 43:19 (ESV)

Isn’t that just such a wonderful promise? No matter what your past year has been, God is going to do a new thing if you will keep your focus on Him. He will make a way when you choose to allow Him to do so.

Are you in the wilderness right now? Sometimes, we all feel like we’re in the dessert. In certain seasons, it is easy to feel completely lost and without any source of supply to meet the needs.

But, God will bring forth rivers to supply whatever it is you are lacking. And, He will make a way no matter where you are. You’re never too lost for Him to lead you back onto the path He has planned for you to walk. But, you must first turn to him and release yourself into His care.

Whenever we have made the decision to do that, He has never failed to give us so much H.O.P.E. and Ongoing Positive Expectation that we are compelled to worship Him even more. The act of surrendering our weaknesses to His strength is a necessary form of worship that puts us in the position so see just how much He is worthy of our praise. Because, His word has never changed. His promises are ongoing.

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